Painting & Fabric




Hi, my name is Jennifer Paganelli and I am so touched you took the time to stop by and see my work. I love people and I hope you find a painting that fills your soul at this very moment!

Having been on a spiritual journey for quite some time I am very aware that I am being led by something greater than myself. By practicing the richness of the now through daily prayer and meditation I have found a measure of peace that had evaded me. I am now much more able to let go and not get so triggered by the demands of life.

This has opened up something inside of me that allows a deep inner change. That inner change was the ability to let go of timetables that I would use to derail me from trying anything new. The demands of perfection kept me from starting. But guess what? I have changed my conditioned thoughts to go about life in a different way. I became a beginner. I like being a beginner and praise God I will remain here forever.

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